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Diving and travelling is more fun when you have everything with you that you need. Max out on your baggage allowance and take everything with you that you need to enjoy your trip to the fullest. If you do not want to rent equipment we do recommend to at least get these basics. Please contact us if you need advice.


Dive Equipment Basics

- mask & snorkel (snorkel for potential snorkeling with animals)

- dive computer

- SMB (mandatory for safety)

Do you need an SMB? Yes you do!! Read this if unsure.

And now for reals. This is the list of equipment if you do have everything. You might notice you are missing something, worth checking out.

Dive Equipment

- Mask & snorkel (snorkel for potential snorkeling with animals)

- Wetsuit   (3mm 27-30°C, 5mm 22-26°C, 7mm <21°C)

- Extra layer (always good to have, you never know how cold you might get with repetitive dives)

     - Thick rash guard

     - 3mm vest (optionally with hood)

     - hood

- Rash guard (sharkskin or other)

- torch and optional back-up

- BCD & reg,

- booties, fins

-  hoodie & 3M gloves for wrecks/caves/current dives (in most places we do not allow the use of gloves, but in certain places like Galapagos, Cocos, Socorro, Truk Lagoon we suggest 3M gloves to protect your hands)

- Computer & spare computer

- reef hook (only certain trips, coil type recommended)

- Pointer

- Knife / line cutter

- Audible signal device (whistle or horn)

- GPS beacon (we will always bring one for the group)

- Regulator serviced?

- BCD functioning?  Check all gear straps. Servicing?

- dry bag / dry backpack

- Surface Marker Buoy (mandatory)

This next section is only for photographers and might be too much for many photographers. It should serve as an extensive guide to check if you are missing something. Please contact us if you need advice.

Camera Kit

- Camera / lenses / housing / drone

- Gopro / filter / selfie stick / handles

- Accessories kit incl tools, wiping cloth

- Batteries for camera, strobe, gopro, drone

- Spare batteries, strobe, lighting cable, chargers

- Memory cards

- Spare arms clamps etc

- Hot shoe mount & target light

- Macro dome and wide angle & spare

- Diopter for macro and fish-eye

- Snoot

- Wrist strap

- Allen key set and tools (not in carry-on)

- Cleaning equipment

- Detergent for run-free splitshots

- Camera bag for carrying camera

- Topside camera and lens

- External flash for topside

- Camera bag and straps for land photo / splash guard

- Multiplug / extra international power adapters



- Tripod

- Lights and batteries, spare batteries, spare charger

- Floats for neutral buoyancy

General & Flight Day

- reusable facemask and face shield. Hand disinfectant. 

- International proof of vaccination (check that your document is accepted)

- e-ticket print (always for passport control)

- passport (6 months validity after trip end)

- local money AND spare USD

- sleeping mask and head rest pillow

- pen

- headphones & adapter for plane (charge noise cancelling)

- drivers license / international drivers license

- Reusable water bottle

- travel insurance? insurance card/numbers

- PADI dive cards / log book

- Dive Insurance card / renewed

- Business cards

- Pocket knife & tools out of carry-on luggage

- Tickets, vouchers, addresses printed out?

- Check baggage allowance

- International power adapter and phone chargers

- Out-of-Office set up

- turn off mobile roaming on phone


Normal Equipment

- chargers phone, ipad, computer

- international power adapters

- computer (charged) and charger (photographers)

- ipad? download movies?

- headphones

- sun glasses

- spare glasses (long trip) / contacts

- head lamp or torch

- e-reader / Games / Bluetooth speaker

- watch

- binoculars

- coffee (item thanks to Daniel)

- DUCT tape



- spare swim trunks

- strong shoes for walking expeditions

- rain jacket (always)

- warm sweater (always)

- hat / cap / beanie (always)

- warm socks (always)

- sleeping clothes (aircon)

- flip flops


- sun lotion

- mozzie spray

- contact lens solution

- motion sickness pills

- Diarrhea, headache solutions

- ear cleaning solution

- contact lens fluid

Extras for Tech Diving

- Big bladder

- Stage regs

- DIN adapter and O-Rings

- 2-3 torches, cannister light

- Extra mask 

- Spare computer

- Additional depth gauge (e.g. another dive computer)

- Wetsuit – the longer in the water, the colder you get

- Strap cutter

- Backup reel

- Line markers

- Jon line 

- Extra clamps, double-enders, bungees etc

- Yellow back-up SMB

- Slates

- Duct Tape

- Water proof marker pens

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